Common Injuries
We See

Common injuries we see at Functional Physio SA


Hip Bursitis

Hip Bursitis

Pain on the hip when sleeping on the side is the most common problem with hip bursitis There are many causes for hip bursitis including prolonged postures sitting with work, muscle strain or injury around the hip, or a fall onto the hip. Symptoms people often describe...

Frozen Shoulder/Adhesive Capsulitis

Frozen Shoulder/Adhesive Capsulitis

Frozen Shoulder/Adhesive Capsulitis can take up to 24 months to "heal" Frozen shoulder/Adhesive Capsulitis is the stiffening of the sticky capsule of the shoulder joint. Symptoms people often describe can range from difficulty sleeping on the side, feeling of...

Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy/Tendonitis

Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy/Tendonitis

People often describe pinching pain when lifting the arm overhead with Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy/Tendonitis There are many causes for rotator cuff tendinopathy/tendonitis issues including prolonged postures with work or sports, strain or injury when lifting and...

ACL Rehabilitation

ACL Rehabilitation

ACL Rehabilitation with Intensive physiotherapy can improve return to sport It is estimated that ACL rehabilitation can take up to 12 months to safely return to sport. There are accelerated programs with some athletes returning to contact sports in 9 months. A pop of...

Spinal Canal Stenosis

Spinal Canal Stenosis

People report back pain when standing too long with numbness and tingling into the legs The main cause for spinal canal stenosis is the degenerative joint changes from prolonged postures and lack of movement and strength. Symptoms people often describe can range from...

Shoulder Dislocations

Shoulder Dislocations

The shoulder is the most mobile and likely joint to pop out of its socket There are many causes for shoulder dislocations is overhead collisions with work or sports, rotator cuff strain or injury, or even falls onto the hands. Symptoms people often describe can range...

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Compression of the nerves in the wrist can cause the numbness and tingling into the hand The main causes of carpal tunnel syndrome is often thought to be from the compression/irritation of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel at the wrist which can cause numbness and...

Tennis Elbow Pain

Tennis Elbow Pain

Weakness and pain when trying to hold/lift things is a common sign of tennis elbow pain Tennis elbow pain is often caused by repetitive straining of the arm muscles. The main difference to golfers elbow pain is that it is often more painful on the outside of the...



Sciatic nerve compression in the hip can cause referral pain down the leg to the knee The main causes of sciatica is often thought to be from the compression/irritation of the sciatic nerve from the back and hip muscles which can cause referral pain down the leg to...

Golfers Elbow Pain

Golfers Elbow Pain

Weakness and pain when trying to hold/lift things is a common sign of golfers elbow pain Golfers elbow pain is often caused by repetitive straining of the arm muscles particularly on the inside of the elbow. Symptoms people often describe can range from difficulty...

Ankle Sprains

Ankle Sprains

Jumping/landing or changing direction is the most common reason for rolling an ankle sprains The main causes of ankle sprains are sudden changes in direction, or jumping and landing awkwardly (often on someone else's foot). Symptoms people often describe can range...

Calf Strain

Calf Strain

High speed jumping is the movement with the highest risk of a calf strain Sudden changes in activity such as running and jumping, or even fast acceleration and fatigue can cause a calf strain. Symptoms people often describe can range from difficulty running, feeling...

Hamstring Strain

Hamstring Strain

High speed running is the movement with the highest risk of hamstring strains Sudden changes in activity such as running and exercise, or even fast acceleration and fatigue can cause the hamstring strain. Symptoms people often describe can range from difficulty...

Shoulder Bursitis and Impingement Pain

Shoulder Bursitis and Impingement Pain

People often describe pinching pain when lifting the arm overhead There are many causes for shoulder bursitis and impingement pain including prolonged postures with work or sports, rotator cuff strain or injury, or even weakness of the muscles. Symptoms people often...

Knee Osteoarthritis

Knee Osteoarthritis

Physio and exercise has been shown be more effective treatment for knee osteoarthritis than surgery Knee Osteoarthritis is the degeneration of the cartilage in the knee joints of the body. Symptoms people often describe can range from stiff and sore movements...

Hip Osteoarthritis

Hip Osteoarthritis

Physio and exercise has been shown be more effective treatment for hip osteoarthritis than surgery Hip Osteoarthritis is the degeneration of the cartilage in the hip joints of the body. Symptoms people often describe can range from stiff and sore movements...

Shin Splints

Shin Splints

Stress from running can cause pain around the shin splints Sudden changes in activity such as running and exercise, or even hard surfaces such as footpaths can cause shin splints. Symptoms people often describe can range from difficulty running, feeling of tightness...

Foot and Heel Pain/Plantar Fasciitis

Foot and Heel Pain/Plantar Fasciitis

The first steps in the morning or standing/walking/running are often the most painful with Foot and Heel Pain/Plantar Fasciitis There are many causes for foot and heel pain/plantar fasciitis including poor footwear, foot posture/"collapsed arches", or recent increased...

Tempromandibular Joint (TMJ)/Jaw Pain

Tempromandibular Joint (TMJ)/Jaw Pain

People often describe clicking or difficulty chewing/opening and closing the mouth wtih Tempromandibulat joint (TMJ)/jaw pain It is estimated that over 50% of tempromandibular joint (TMJ)/jaw pain can be linked with headaches, migraines and neck pain/tightness....



Headaches/Migraines around the back of the head or eyes could be coming from the neck While there are many potential causes for headaches/migraines, physios can often help to identify whether the neck is playing a part. Symptoms people often describe can range from...